Requests? - We have!
Requests? - We have! Every idea, every product, every company stands and falls with the demand. Are there enough customers who buy my product/service?
Oskar Luis Romberg (11 years) #88 - one of the fastest German motocross riders on the 65cc bike and a contender for the top 10 in the European Championship, as well as Boris Tetzlaff (24) #90 - regularly among the Top3- of the Austrian national championships in downhill and also top rider on European level...
What motivates Europe's largest franchise system for bathroom renovations?
To support individual athletes? First of all - it's not a statement against team sports - quite the opposite - it's rather a tribute to the concentrated
Individual performance that can only be achieved in a functioning team.
If you watch the videos below, you will notice what kind of concentration is required downhill or motocross race
to drive. In motocross, you stand at a starting gate with up to 39 other starters and everyone starts at the same time - everyone wants to be the first in the corner - wants to secure the so-called holeshot.
There are also other service providers who can and want to make a good bathroom. Our FranchisePartners have the demand on themselves - to always deliver the best quality at the right price. To do this, the FranchisePartner must prevail against other providers, be better, have the best equipment available, like the motocrosser whose goal is to cross the finish line first.
Mechanic, driving coach, suspension specialist, fitness coach, nutritionist -.
who thinks riding motocross means getting on a motorcycle and
to drive off, he is mistaken!
It is similar with our franchise partners. At the moment of doing - the
bath coating, installation of shower cabins, wall filling, smart repair - our partners and their technicians are
alone and concentrate on achieving the best possible result -
the very best. But at the same time works the online marketing
team at headquarters on the new campaign, so that the partner even more
gets inquiries. The research and development department is looking for
bathroom renovation innovations and tests them, the office staff of our
Partners arrange appointments with customers or order the "new" bathroom for a
customers with our system suppliers.
Boris drives down the mountain at high speed through forest and meadows.
Over tree stumps, rocks, stones, protruding roots - full concentration
and total mastery of his bike are the prerequisites for him to successfully
can be.
Now do you understand why we support individual athletes? One must deliver, all must help. Just like in a franchise - just like us!
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Requests? - We have! Every idea, every product, every company stands and falls with the demand. Are there enough customers who buy my product/service?
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