
Meet the team -
Peter Stottan

I have been active for bazuba in various positions and functions since 1996. It all started in Vienna - at that time as a classic technician, initially mainly looking after bathtub and tile coating. Later, I managed sales at the head office, took over warehouse management and assigned the technicians. At the time, I was also always active in the training department in a supporting capacity.

However, self-employment was very appealing. I successfully ran my own franchise in Vienna for seven years. However, the call from headquarters was very loud - and at some point I gave in to the wooing of bazuba's management.

I then very quickly became the head of the bazuba Academy. Here I also take care of the administrative matters and serve as backup for our "Instructor" Patrick Scharl. However, one of my most important tasks in this area is franchise establishment. This means that I support our new franchise partners with my experience and am always available to help them start their own franchises in the first few months. If necessary 24/7. This individual support of each new partner ensures that the partners are well equipped to become strong partners.

This not only benefits the new partners, but ultimately also the "old" partners, because every strong partner contributes to making our vision a reality.

"Everyone should feel comfortable in their bathroom".
Peter Stottan, Head of bazuba Academy

Franchiseportrait Zugmayer und Seper

„…damals haben wir noch selbst Badewannen beschichtet und mittlerweile leiten wir einen Betrieb mit 21 Mitarbeitern!“ Sebastian Zugmayer und Stephan Seper bazuba Guntramsdorf Sebastian Zugmayer

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bazuba Franchise FAQs

bazuba &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspFranchise &nbsp&nbspFAQs Our compilation of frequently asked questions about bazuba franchise partnership: What is franchising? Franchising is a partnership with division of labor and clearly regulated areas of responsibility.

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