
Benefit from craftsmanship without being a craftsman

How can that work? Without professional training in the field of crafts? This is a question that the bazuba franchise system has been asking itself for over 30 years, since its founder Constantin Zugmayer set up his own business in 1987 in Vienna, Austria, specializing in impact damage (today we call it smart repair).

The first franchise partner was acquired just one year after the company was founded, and with over 40 satisfied partners, we are already Europe's largest bathroom franchise. And we are constantly growing.

Today, the range of services offered by bazuba the repair of shavings, the coating of tubs, the coating of tiles, the installation of tub doors, the jointless filling of tiles that are no longer attractive, as well as the trendy topic "tub out, shower in". Our portfolio is rounded off by the installation of designer flooring, the supply of new bathroom furniture and bathroom accessories. For all services and goods we have negotiated excellent conditions with our suppliers, from which our partners benefit. Our partners and employees are not only supported on the sales and marketing level, but are also prepared in detail by our academy managers for their future craft challenges.

Our partners are not always skilled craftsmen - they come from middle management or have technical training; one of our best partners is a trained chef and has just finished building his own company building worth over 1 million euros.

bazuba has certified and proven successful techniques to renovate bathrooms at more attractive and favorable conditions than in the classic bathroom renovation and without any loss of quality.

The potential franchise partners receive all the necessary training from the franchise system to successfully start their franchise. Our partners grow quickly and usually after a few months no longer go to the construction sites themselves, but take care of their technicians, local marketing, as well as sales and local presence. The goal of our franchise partners is to reach the sales million and end the year with a six-figure profit.

Just for the sake of good order: We are already well over 40 partners. Of course, there is a register of craftsmen in Germany. And the work that is listed there is, of course, carried out with the appropriate local partner companies. Quite a few installer companies are happy to cooperate with bazuba.

bazuba for Austria

We are looking for MACHERS for Austria 1. this is the right place for you 2. your advantages 3. conclusion This is the right place for you! You want to enter the world of

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bazuba Convention

https://bazuba-franchise.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/bazuba_Logo_CCC.mp4 Du willst Einblicke in die Veranstaltung? Hier geht’s direkt zum Video! b|Con – das FranchisePartner Jahresmeeting Die bazuba Convention ist ein Jahresmeeting bei dem

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Franchise portrait Meyer

„Hab keine Angst neu anzufangen. Du fängst nicht bei Null an, Du hast schon Erfahrung!“ Tobias Meyerbazuba Quickborn Tobias Meyer ist nun seit Beginn 2023

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