
Never change a winning team - franchise partner for 25 years

At bazuba, we attach great importance to long-term and strong partnerships. We are therefore very pleased that we can celebrate 25 years as a partner this year and that the next ones are already coming up next year.

The jubilarians are successful partners of the franchise system and have already been involved in several further developments, thus benefiting further. Mr. Lotz from Tyrol has already been a bazuba franchise partner for 25 years (at that time he started with Remaill-Technik, our old name) and his colleague Mr. Stückelschwaiger will celebrate his 20th anniversary next year.

Martin Stückelschwaiger will open his new office building with a large showroom in summer 2019 and is still very satisfied with his decision for bazuba.

"Even after 20 years, it gives us great pleasure to surprise our customers again and again with our services and to put a smile on their faces.

The step into self-employment was a very big step for us at the time, with many uncertainties. But the great thing about a franchise system is that you are never alone with questions or problems. There is a large group with a lot of experience behind you and, of course, the head office, which provides help and advice.

Mr. Lotz, too, has not regretted taking the step into self-employment with bazuba.

"20 years ago, I would never have dreamed of what I have now achieved as an entrepreneur. In addition to hard work and my own determination, success also includes the support and help of our franchise headquarters. And of course, bazuba is a super business idea."

For us at bazuba, franchising is ultimately quite simple:

The partners deliver high-quality work to the end customer and thus inspire the customer. Satisfied customers give bazuba satisfied partners - and the cycle closes.

Is the customer satisfied
                        > the partner is satisfied
> is bazuba satisfied

Therefore, the credo of Constantin Zugmayer, founder of bazuba, is as follows: We do not "sell" franchise territories. We look for partners with whom we can imagine working together for years. Our prospective customers do the same. They consider whether they can imagine spending the next few years - preferably their entire lives - in the field of bathroom renovation and bathroom refurbishment with us as a strong partner. Franchising at bazuba is therefore a mutual application process for this - whether you want to be together for years.

Perhaps a little pathetically formulated. But in the end it is a partnership for time - in the best case for life (working) time.

Based on this attitude, which as you can see is also lived, the anniversaries could now be celebrated - and further successful years of cooperation will follow.

Editor's note: Unfortunately, Mr. Lotz has left bazuba in the summer of 2020 after 25 years for personal reasons.

bazuba team

Frisch, freundlich und &nbsp&nbspverlässlich – so ist das bazuba Team&nbsp&nbsp Gemeinsam sind wir bazuba Wer möchte nicht zu einem Team gehören, das frisch, freundlich, und

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